Monday, April 16, 2012


In less than two weeks I will be in Jersey with my ldb!  I can not wait to get the hell out of Ohio for a bit!  I'm excited for a few *guaranteed* days off from work since it seems I'm getting called in all the time.  While I love being able to pick up hours, and I'm grateful for this job, I would love to actually get stuff done around the house or for Scarlett Key.  In fact, I should be getting ready for work right now since I got called in to close tonight. 

Speaking of Scarlett Key, I'm re-doing the headbands so if you have a baby/toddler/child could you measure their head and leave a comment with the info?  I'm really excited for the new design, it should be easier on me to make and much much much prettier and "cleaner" in design! 

I've also got some new ideas on what to do with the tons of fabric covered buttons I've been obsessed with making lately.  Oh, and I got tons of new fabric for key fobs and such.

Also, does anyone ship to Canada?  Europe?  I'm curious what the process and charges are like...any info would be greatly appreciated!!

Lastly, go ahead and die from the cuteness.  He's the best.

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