Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bookworm Wednesday!

Hiiiiiiii!  Sorry I've been quiet, work took over my life for a few days and I'm now sorely behind in the Jersey trip preparations.  I could have made up some time today when I was off and, shockingly, not called in, but, well I took a four hour nap instead.  Hey, sometimes a girl just has to sleep! 

I must make a confession.  I "pick" books from People Magazine.  A lot.  Like, I have an app on my phone for notes and I have three or four notes dedicated to book lists.  One such list is that of my People magazine books....and it may be longer than any other list.  Maybe. 

With that said, I read a review for Tatiana & Alexander by Paullina Simons (hint....I read Tully first because that is the only book of hers that my library had).  Well, I had the book ordered and started reading it, but a few pages in I realized that it was  sequel.  I just HAD to find the first book!  I hate hate hate reading books out of order!  Instead of ordering it (I knew I would love them from the short section I read of Tatiana & Alexander....) I picked up all *three* books from Barnes & Noble when I went to Dayton the other day. 

The first book is The Bronze Horseman and I'm so so so so so so in love with it!   It is definitely a big, epic, sweeping love story!  I literally lost my breath when she described the first time Tatiana and Alexander meet!  This book starts as Hitler attacks Russia...literally that same day.  The family is in a rush to get their only son out of the city and away so he doesn't get enlisted in the army and they send one of their daughters, Tatiana, out to buy as much food as she can.  Only she gets frustrated, doesn't understand why she's looking for food, and suddenly a striking soldier shows up and....well, she falls in love and it goes from there.  I can not wait to read the rest of the books!  CAN NOT WAIT I tell you!  haha

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