Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bookworm Wednesday!

Remember a while back when my Bookworm Wednesday was showing you all the books I see at Barnes & Noble and how I take pictures of them so I can check them out from the library?  Well, Pinterest has fed that addiction even more.  I've found myself going there are a quick time waster and filling up my boards with the most random stuff ever.  Thankfully, I them semi-sorted pretty well with the boards I've created.  One of my favorite is my "Books Worth Reading" board.  It isn't as full as some of my other boards, but it is definitely well-loved!  I've been pinning books I want to read and books I've loved reading.  I don't go hunting for books, usually when I'm on there I just cruise the main update board and as I come across something I pin it.  :) 

Are you on Pinterest?  I'm there under prajaline

(need an invite? let me know and I will send you one!)

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