Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday night stuff.....

I took some time today and made some more cup cozies for Scarlett Key!  My parents went to visit my dad's parents for the day so I had some quite time here on the farm.  So, I turned on AMC (it is mob week!  woohooo!) and kinda tuned out the world for a little while. 

This worked until I got a phone call from my momma.  Her first words to me were, 'Where's your grandfather's grave?'.  I told her, and then I heard that there wasn't a stone at all for my grandma!  Wait!  Whaaaa?  My aunt made this big fuss about having all four kids (my mom, my aunt, and my two uncles) there like three weeks ago to watch them set the stone for my grandma.  I should say that she left voicemails for my mom about it since my mom doesn't answer the phone when she calls.  Afterwards, there was another voicemail about how disappointed she was that mom didn't go and all that jazz.  Whatever.  Anyway.  My mom said there wasn't ANYTHING there marking my grandma's headstone!  What the f?  Seriously?  I can't believe the lies and pure evil coming from that woman.  And I'm not talking about my mom.

1 comment:

  1. i want to see those cozies!! :) and it sucks they're still being like that :(


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