Sunday, August 14, 2011

Holy Crap Guys!

Two exciting things with this post:

A - This is my 100th post!  Can't believe I've been chatting at you guys for that many posts!  I'm so unbelievably grateful for all the people I've met via blogging/twitter and you all make me smile on a daily basis!  You should hug yourselves!!!

B - I added my first pieces to Scarlett Key!  They're all just some of my cozies, but it is something!  I'm going to do up some mini-doilies and totes once I get back home so I will be adding more as soon as I can.

I have a busy week coming up too!  I'm going back home at some point.  I miss my bed!  I'm doing some serious purging on my room here at the farm.  I've already set aside two HUGE plastic tubs for the yard sale, and thrown away so much!  I've got a ton of stuff set aside for the recycling cans in town too.  It feels so good to be rid of the excess!  I do have a tiny issue with letting go the super emotional pieces I have gobs and gobs of letters and cards and programs from plays and stuff.  Do you all keep that stuff or are you comfy with just the memories of those special moments?

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on listing stuff! I think I'm going to have you make a custom cozy for Xmas for my mom. (if you'd be up for it!)I wore my hat Saturday night, but I forgot to take a picture, so next time I wear it I will do that for you!


Thanks for stopping by and leaving me some loverrrrrly words!