Friday, February 1, 2013


Last year I set goals for the entire year....and I accomplished most of those goals (go me!).  This year?  This year I'm taking a page from my dear friend Charlie and doing a monthly list.  I'm also posting it here to make myself even more accountable.  So let's see here.  What do I want to do this month?

1 - Make a complete list of all my unfinished projects and get them organized into a way that will make them easier to finish.  A COMPLETE LIST.  (not gonna lie, this one scares me a bit.)

2 - Get my Rav page updated with my Sunflower Yarn collection.  I didn't realize how much I had accumulated right before Amanda closed the shop until the other day when I separated it out and it filled an entire milk crate....and that was just the stuff I picked up since like November.

3 - Finish and list all new shop products.  This includes the one embroidery piece, the purse half done, new thread pieces, new clutches, and listing the ear warmers finally.

4 - Get all my display stuff stored upstairs until next year and make any plans to upgrade/change any of it.

5 - Finish reading The Summer Garden and Dingley Falls.

Eeep.  February is a short month.  Maybe I shouldn't have been so confident in my goal meeting abilities ;)  

1 comment:

  1. You can really do this, you have got it!

    You should totally link up with us at our Monthly Goals linky!


Thanks for stopping by and leaving me some loverrrrrly words!