Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bookworm Wednesday!

I complain about the drama in my family on a regular basis (I know I'm not the only one!!), but the Astor family has million dollar-sized issues, and in Mrs. Astor Regrets it all gets put out in the open! In 2006, Brooke Astor's grandson sued is dad.....and then shortly after her death in 2007, that son was convicted of a variety of things, including looting her estate. This book covers everything...from her childhood of opulence to her death, including how the wealthy family spent their money on charities and other, more frivolous, items. It is a good juicy read that is made all the more tragic because it is true.

(random...but I'm to the point where I'm starting to get worried I've posted twice about a book, so if I have, let me know so I can do another post for that week :) )

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