I have a confession. You cross my mind more than I care to admit.
I wonder what you're up to.
I wonder if you like your new job.
I wonder what you would say if I texted and said, hey, I'm gonna throw on my jean skirt, wanna meet up for a bit.
I wonder what you would say if I asked if you can believe that next week, November 14th, is our "anniversary" of sorts.
I wonder if you've studied for your GED.
I wonder if you need help studying for your GED.
I wonder if you want to come over and just watch movies with me because I hate watching movies alone.
I wonder what would happen if I said we should have a proper date. Candlelight, flowers, picking me up from the farm kind of date.
I wonder if there is some way I can help you figure things out.
I wonder if you realize that I'm way super stressed and the way you make me laugh is something that I need because of that stress.
I wonder if you think about me when you're bored because that's when you cross my mind a lot.
I wonder if you have to stop for a second in the middle of the day because the thought of jean skirts, meeting in random parking lots in Greenfield, rain on a trailer roof, cleaning semi truck tires, and all the things that happened and were said catch you off guard.
I wonder what you would say when I remind you that we're friends first. That friends are there for each other. That even without being in a relationship that I know you don't want right now, friends help each other out, that friends talk, that friends see each other and hang out. That I miss my friend.