Thursday, December 22, 2011

Kinda freaking out over here!

It *just* hit me that it is the 22nd....of DECEMBER!  That means only 2 days until my immediate family Christmas!  And ya know what?  I only have gifts picked out/bought/made for 3 of the 7 people I need to have something for.  I've never put my shopping & making off this long!  I think I tried to forget it was coming this year, kinda like if I don't acknowledge it, it won't happen.  I was sadly mistaken about this.  I still need to figure out stuff for my parents, my brother, and my nephew.  You know, the hardest ones to buy for....thankfully, though, I always get my brother the same thing so he will be easy.  I'm thinking clothes for B since that kid has nearly every toy...and plays with about 3 of them.  As for my parents.  I have ZERO clue.  I've thought of a million different things but nothing feels right.  Do you have to shop for anyone like that?  What do you do to break the "gift block"? 

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Thanks for stopping by and leaving me some loverrrrrly words!